by | | Freedom and Virtue Primary Source Documents, Section VI
VI. Tangible Support: Philhellenes, Warriors and PhilanthropistsC3. Excerpts from The Journals and Letters of Samuel Gridley Howe.(pp. 160–63) Athens, Dec. 19th, 1825Dear William:-My last was dated in the month of September, and from the island of Candia; since which...
by | | Freedom and Virtue Primary Source Documents, Section II
II.Information on the Greek Uprising Reaches America:PublicationsA. Anthology of Newspaper ArticlesConnecticut Courant, August 7, 1821: The Greeks and Turks.We cannot be persuaded that all the civilized world sympathise [sic] with the Greeks. There are associations...
by | | Freedom and Virtue Primary Source Documents, Section III
III. “Greek Fire” The Grass Roots Response A. Expression of Public Support for the Greek CauseA12. Resolution Passed by Citizens of Oughkeepsie(Robinson, pp. 127-28) January 1, 1824At a meeting of the citizens of Poughkeepsie held at the Hotel to take into...
by | | Freedom and Virtue Primary Source Documents, Section IV
IV. The “Greek Question” As An Issue of U.S. Foreign PolicyB6. Sam Houston's Speech Supporting Recognition of Greek Independence(Writings of Sam Houston, 1823-1825, vol. I, pp. 21-24)Mr. HOUSTON was aware that he might be trespassing upon the patience of the House, in...
by | | Freedom and Virtue Primary Source Documents, Section VI
VI. Tangible Support: Philhellenes, Warriors and PhilanthropistsC4. Letters by Howe and Miller Reporting on the Situation in Greece, and by Gregory Perdicari, a Young Greek Studying in the U.S.(Editor's Note: The writings in this and the next part were appended to the...
by | | Freedom and Virtue Primary Source Documents, Section II
II. Information on the Greek Uprising Reaches America: PublicationsB. Printed Materials on Greece and the Progress of the War of IndependenceB1. Address of the Committee Appointed at a Public Meeting Held in Boston, December 19, 1823, for the Relief of the Greeks, to...